Please park only in designated parking spaces. If our parking lot is full, it is permissible on weekdays after 5:00pm and on Saturdays and Sundays to park in the lot for the building to the east of our facility.
Visitors are responsible to ensure their vehicle is locked at all times when unattended. AHCI is not responsible for the loss of personal property or damage to vehicles.
No overnight customer parking is allowed. Vehicles found in the parking lot between the hours of 1:00am – 6:00am are subject to towing. If you have a mechanical issue with your vehicle or are unable to drive and you cannot remove your vehicle from the lot, follow this procedure:
RV Parking is no longer permitted at our facility. There are numerous RV sites located within an 8-mile radius of the facility.
Parking or leaving vehicles unattended at the entrance is prohibited as this is a posted Fire Lane. Vehicles parked here May be towed. This area may be used for drop-off and pick-up only.